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How Spirituality Increases Happiness and Productivity, don't let wonder be a blind spot.

Most of us are fairly comfortable with holding on to the expectation that the work we do somehow contributes to our life-long search for meaning. Furthermore, a central piece of the meaning puzzle is the value we place in the interpersonal connections that emerge from our cooperative partnerships, be they in our personal or professional lives.

Time To Bloom, What Allows Us To Truly Flourish As People?

Jacarandas in bloom arouse amazement, someone has spontaneously said something to me about how pretty they look and how they brighten their day. 

What does this have to do with Psychology and Well-being? Well, one: that the jacarandas in bloom make me happy and make me feel wonder and admiration. Wonder is one of the forms of positivity that makes us feel happier and appreciation of beauty is one of the strengths associated with transcendence. It is well known that for many people, being in contact with nature is a source of pleasure and an almost spiritual experience.


Now, But Not Here, And Are You Living Your Present?

A few days ago I got out of teaching a class at the university and on the way from the classroom to the parking lot I quickly pulled out my cellphone to check my emails as I walked to the car. When I almost tripped because I was looking at the screen instead of where I was walking, I had a kind of epiphany: I was obviously present at that moment, but I wasn’t really present at that place. I am not the first to point out the paradox that the technologies that allow us to shorten distances and be close to people who live far away, can also distance us from the people with whom we work or even with whom we live.

You're Stronger Than You Think:

At Soul Mental Health we want you to know how valuable you are, that’s why we want you to know the You’re Stronger Than You Think:

Within each of us are powers and abilities we underestimate, but which can carry us through many challenges.

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About Us


We are a healing community that provides psychological treatment to individuals and their families. We design treatment plans with biopsychosocial evidence-based approaches to empower our clients.


We want mental health services to be accessible to everybody around the world.

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